ALL CHARACTERS are over 18 and consensually
Four-panel comic page.
Nico Robin (one Piece)
Nico in her pirate outfit
With boots like
And Pirate Buggy
And his crew
Panel one
A ship out in the harbor is a long shot.
View of town with only one building still standing.
From the ship - "Why did they spare that one?"
Panel two
Two NPCs, a sailor, and a young lady, sit on some rubble.
Looking at the hotel
Girl - "Why did they spare that one?"
Panel three
Nighttime, the same sailor and a young lady hiding behind some rubble
He's pushed up her dress and is fingering her butt.
As Buggy and his crew March by with loot.
All the night through, with the noise and to-do
Sailor (Thinks)- "Who's the person who lives up there?"
Panel Four
in the morning
Nico looks nice with a ribbon in her hair and no bottoms.
With two men leashed on all fours just outside the only standing building, the hotel.